请直接下pdf,下面请无视,谢谢。 下载: http://www.fatezero.org/download/eyou_mail_system_analysis.zip 密码: 9crimes Eyou Mail System multiple vulnerabilities =========================== About the vendor: Eyou Mail System is the biggest mail system in China, providing solution for more than 3500 industries. =========================== Detail: ------------------------------------------------------------- 0x1 Eyou Mail System V5 SQL injection vulnerability (fixed in v5.0.6) file: /web/php/user/em_controller_action_help.class.php
The "kw" variable(line 84) get into SQL statement (line 220) without any escape. What is more serious is that Eyou V5 use PDO to access MySQL!!! Attacker can use Stacked based SQL injection to hack your mail system easily. ------------------------------------------------------------- 0x2 Eyou Mail System V4 SQL injection vulnerability (unfix) file: /php/report/search_lastlogin.php
The "time" and "stime" variable(line 52, 53) get int SQL statement (line 61 or 65) without proper escape. What is more serious is that line 52 use "stripcslashes" function to handling "time", So the attacker can use MySQL build-in function "into outfile" to pwn the system.(mysqld run by system root) ------------------------------------------------------------- 0x3 Eyou Mail System V4 Bypass Authentication (unfix) file: /php/bill/include/cookie.php
"isLogin" and "getCurrentAdmin" function check the COOKIE has the "cookie" or not. Attacker can forge the COOKIE to get access more sensitive function. ------------------------------------------------------------- 0x3 Eyou Mail System V4 arbitrary file delete (maybe unfix) file: /user/send_queue/del_addition.php
just post "ToRemove=/file/to/delete" to this page poc: http://www.fatezero.org/download/eyou_mail_system_analysis.zip password: 9crimes